Monday, September 16, 2019
अष्ट्रियाको भियनामा दशैँ तिहार बिशेष कार्यक्रमको भब्य तयारी l
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Einladung zu unserem kultur Programm in Wien
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
We would like to inform that NESAS , Austria is going to organize "Dashian Program " on 27 th of October 2018. Hence we would like to invite all Nepalese people living in Austria and also all those who love nepalese culture,for further information please see the information below on the poster.
Monday, September 10, 2018
नेपाल लाइ बिश्व माझ चिनाउन कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Monday, May 1, 2017
Newly elected members of the Executive Committee 2017
Mr. Davin Lama Gurung
Mr. Surendra Kumar Mandal
Mrs. Manju Khadka
Mr. Ramesh Khadka
Mr. Ganesh Acharya
Mr. Japan Rai
Mrs. Saraswati Subedi
Mr. Sulav Adhikari
Mr. Kamala Adhikari
Mr. Geeta Rai
Mr. Rajan Shrestha
Mr. Krishna Bhujel
Mr. Krishu Lama
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas and New Year 2014
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Constitution of HNN Austria Coordination Committee
गत जुन ९ २०१३ मा Vienna, Austria को Lugner City मा हाम्रा केही साथीहरूले सामाजिक क्रियाकलाप मार्फत आफ्नो जन्मभूमिका निम्ति केही गरौँ भन्ने अभिप्रायले शिव सापकोटाजीको संयोजकत्वमा नेपाली माझ स्थापित परोपकारी संस्था हेल्प नेपाल नेटवर्कको Austria Coordination Committee गठन भई देहाय बमोजिमका अन्य साथीहरुको संलग्नता रहेको छ ।
Shiva Sapkota was born in Baglung, Nepal and has been living in Austria since 2006. He is currently coordinating the activities of Help Nepal Network in Austria. He is a enthusiastic social worker.
Dr. Deepak Dhungana is currently working as a senior research scientist in Siemens. He is running a school project in his village in Syangja since 2004. He is currently the national coordinator of NRN Austria. Deepak received his PhD from University of Linz, Austria.
Dr. Samir KC was born and brought up in Kathmandu. Samir is currently working at IIASA, Vienna. Impressed by HELP NEPAL Network's professionalism and trustworthiness, Samir decided to join forces. He received his PhD from the Faculty of Spatial Sciences at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Deepak Malla was born in Bara. He has worked as a designer in textiles weaving industries and is a passionate social worker currently living in Vienna.
Prabhu shrestha was born in Kathmandu. He finished bachelor degree of Business Management (BBA) in Public Youth Campus (Tribhuvan University ). He was active member of Kathmandu Jaycees. Since 1992, he has been living in Vienna and working in Austria Trend & Resorts.
Ramesh Dhamala was born in Jyamrung , Dhading. He has been living in Austria for the past 8 years. He is interested in social work and was inspired to join Help Nepal Network .
Dilip Kapali was born in Kathmandu and lives in Vienna since 1980.
Churchill Bista was born and brought up in Janagal, Kavrepalanchok. He studied in Bangalore & France and is currently living in Vienna, Austria for last 10 years, working in Hotel Industry. He lives by the motto ‘’I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.’’ So he thinks Help Nepal Network is the best way to do something for our Country and Society.
यसको पुण॔विवरण छिटै हेल्प नेपाल नेटवक॔ को वेभ साईटमा समेत उपलब्ध हुनेछ !
(Source: Shiva Sapkota)
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Many tiny feeble drops make a meaningful help
सम्पूर्ण नेसास Executive Members र सल्हाकारसाथीहरुबाट मासिक केही रकम सहयोग प्राप्त हुने क्रममा केही साथीहरुबाट सहयोग प्राप्त भईसकेको छ र केही साथीहरुले Dauerauftrag (Durational Contract or Online Banking) गर्नु भाको छ.
आशा छ, तपाईं सबैको मद्दतले हामी यो शुभ कार्यमा धेरै हदसम्म सफल हुनेछौं.
e-Banking गर्न चाहने साथीहरुलाई -
Nepalesischer Kultur- und Sozialverein
SPARDA BANK, Vienna, Austria
Konto Nr. 18410001108, BLZ 14000
साथीहरुको केही सुझाब र सल्लाहको अपेक्षा राख्दछौं.
Please comment and share!
यस्तो पनि सुनियो।
आगामी दिनहरुमा यस्ता व्यबहार नहुन दिनको निम्ती हामी ( NESAS Austria ) सम्पूर्ण नयाँ साथीहरुलाई (नेपाली सांस्कृतिक र सामाजिक संस्था ) मा सम्पर्क गरी त्यस्ता समस्याहरु छलफल गरि दिनुहुन अनुरोध गर्दछौ।
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Invitation for Nepali New Year 2070 (2013)
हाम्रो यो कार्यक्रमलाई सफल पार्न शीला श्टाईनरजी आबद्ध रहनु भएको संस्था सगरमाथाको विशेष सहयोग भएको पनि सहर्ष खुलाउन चहान्छौं. साथै, यो कार्यक्रम आयोजना गर्दा अन्य थुप्रै व्यक्तिहरु र केही संस्थाहरुले गर्नु भएको सहयोगको निम्ती हृदय देखिको कृतज्ञता टक्राउँछौँ.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
New Executive Committee elected
१९ जनवरी, धेरै लामो समयदेखि थुप्रै अलमलका कारणले अघि बढ्न नसकेको नयाँ कार्यकारिणी समितीको गठन आज साँझ लुग्नर सिटीमा भएको बैठकले टुंगो लगाएको छ. उक्त मौकामा नेसास अघि बढ्नका निम्ति नयाँ चुनौतीहरु र समस्याका बारे पनि छोटो छलफल भएको थियो.
नयाँ कार्यकारिणी समिती निम्न बमोजिम चुनिएको छ.
अध्यक्ष: धुर्ब पौडेल
उपाध्यक्ष: डबिन लामा गुरुङ्ग
सचिव: रमेश धमला (पुनर्निर्वाचित)
उपसचिव: मित्र खत्री
कोषाध्यक्ष: चर्चिल बिष्ट
सह-कोषाध्यक्ष: जीवन जंग कुँवर
सदस्यहरु: माधव थापा, इन्द्र थापा, सूर्य लामिछाने, सुरेन्द्र कुमार मण्डल, शिव सापकोटा, महेन्द्र ढकाल, मुक्त गुरुङ्ग, सुजाता घिमीरे, गोपाल श्रेष्ठ
सल्लाहकारहरु: प्रभाकर घले (पूर्व अध्यक्ष), दीपक मल्ल (निवर्तमान अध्यक्ष), बिनोद खड्का, सोमनाथ पौडेल, पारस (कुमार) बोहरा, बसन्त ढकाल, श्याम ओली, सुरेन्द्र प्रसाईं, राजन सुबेदी, नवराज भट्टराई, ईश्वर बज्राचार्य
लिन्च (सल्लाहकार, संयोजक) आकाश घिमिरे
साल्च्बुर्ग (सल्लाहकार, संयोजक) मनोज बिष्ट
ग्राच (सल्लाहकार, संयोजक) राजु ठकुरी, डायमन राई, होम हमाल, कृष्ण बहादुर बर्देवा, युवराज सुबेदी
नेपाल (सल्लाहकार, संयोजक) बिष्णु आचार्य
यो बदलिएको परिवेशमा, हाम्रो यो संस्थाको भावी कार्यदिशा र अन्य जुनसुकै पनि कुरामा सरसल्लाहको निम्ती सबै शुभचिन्तकहरुलाई यसै पोस्ट मार्फत आव्हान गर्दछौं.
निर्वाचित सबै साथीहरुलाई हार्दिक बधाई र नयाँ कार्यकालको निम्ती शुभकामना.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
निर्णायक मोड (A moment of Decision)
नेसास-अष्ट्रियाको काम-कार्यवाहीमा केही आधारभूत अड्चनहरु देखा परेको हुँदा - जस्तै पुराना थुप्रै क्रियाशील साथीहरुको परिस्थितीगत पलायन लगायत अन्य साथीहरुको पनि अत्याधिक व्यस्तताका कारण सामयिक कार्यक्रममा व्यवधान परेको हुँदा अब उपरान्त के कसरी अघि बढ्ने बारे छलफल गर्न हामीहरुले हाल कार्यकारी समितीका पदाधिकारीहरु र अन्य केही साथीहरुसँग छलफल गर्न भनी गत २ मार्च २०१२ मा ट्विन टावरमा स्थित बिनोद खड्काजीको रेस्टुराँमा भेला भई छलफल गर्यौं.
यसै प्रसङ्गमा, तपाईंहरु सबैको विचार जान्न पनि असाध्यै महत्वपूर्ण हुने ठानी अनलाईन पोल मार्फत र अन्य माध्यम मार्फत पनि विचार माग्दै छौं. पोल मार्फत अनलाईन भोट दिन चाहनु हुने साथीहरुले ब्लगको माथि पट्टिको भागमा नेसास-अष्ट्रियाको लोगो मुनिपट्टि राखिएका विकल्पहरु मध्ये कुनै एक छानेर Abstimmen थिच्नुहोला.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Invitation to New Year 2067 (BS)
Entry €10 (inclusive of Nepali Food) for adults.
€5 for youngsters aged upto 10 years.
This gathering is organised together with NESAS, UNIC, NPPS, NRN and ANA.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fight Against Swine-Flu (Virus: H1N1)
Magistratische Abteilung-15 (MA-15), a governement body responsible for the Health Issues has started since yesterday a vaccination campaign at a large scale in Vienna.

What is New Influenza caused by H1N1 Virus? and News
Information to Vaccination Campaign
Vaccination Stations
Sunday, October 11, 2009
For more Information
विभिन्न सुख-दुख वा महत्वाकांक्षा वा अन्य कुनै यस्तै कारण बोकेर विदेशिएका लाखौ नेपालीहरुको विशाल डायस्पोरा मध्ये अष्ट्रियाका विभिन्न शहरहरु र स-साना गाउँहरुमा छरिएर रहेको, अन्दाजी चार-पाँच सय नेपालीहरुको सानो समाज छ. सबै जसो साथीहरु कामकाज वा पढाई जस्ता कुराहरुमा व्यस्त हुनुहुन्छ. यहाँ सबैलाई आफ्नै किसिमका सहजता र कठिनाइहरु छन्. तैपनि राम्रो र उज्ज्वल भविष्यको निम्ति सबैले आ-आफ्नो किसिमले परिश्रम गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ.
यहाँ आउने हरेक नयाँ साथीलाई नयाँ समाज, नयाँ मान्यता-मूल्यहरू, नयाँ परिपाटी, कानूनद्वारा नियमन गरिएको जीवनधारासँग भिज्न समय पक्कै लाग्छ. सयौ जानकारीहरुको खाँचो परिरहेको हुन्छ, सयौ प्रश्नहरु पनि हुन सक्छन. यी विभिन्न खाले जानकारी, इत्यादीको सहयोग चाहिएमा हामीले जानकारी उपलब्ध गराउनको निम्ति सजिलो उपाय निकालेका छौं. तपाई आफ्ना जिज्ञासाहरु इमेल मार्फत निम्नलिखित nesasDOTaustriaATgmailDOTcom ठेगानामा हाम्रो समाजका सचिव श्री रमेश धमला वा अध्यक्ष श्री दीपक मल्लसँग सोध्न सक्नु हुनेछ. साथै अष्ट्रिया बाहिर अन्य मुलुकमा हुनुहुने वा नेपाल मै हुनुहुने साथीहरुको पनि केही जिज्ञासाहरु छन् भने हामी सक्दो जानकारी दिने प्रयत्न गर्नेछौं. उहाँहरु आफ्नो समय अनुकूल मिलाएर तपाईलाई जवाफ दिनुहुनेछ.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Austrian Government passes new "Bleiberecht"
A famous German Daily named Kurier published on the 12th March 2009 a small news about it. I have translated it into Nepali for those, who have difficulty in understanding it in German.
The Translation of a News-Clip is followed by the scanned clip.
लेखको नेपालीमा रुपान्तरण
आरिगोना : बासको अधिकारले "स्थिती सप्रिंदैन"
कानून-परिवर्तन - राष्ट्रियसभामा निर्णय आज, तर १. अप्रिलदेखि मात्र लागु
आउँदो १. अप्रिलदेखि वैदेशिक अधिकारसंबन्धी केही महत्वपूर्ण परिवर्तनहरु लागु हुँदै छन्।
त्यसको निर्णायक बूँदा :
विदेशीहरुलाई यस्तो अधिकार प्राप्त हुनेछ, मानवीय बसाईंको निम्ति आवेदन गर्न पाउनेछन्। "अहिलेसम्म यो एउटा "क्षमा-अधिकार" थियो", भनी प्रष्ट्याउँछन् भियनास्थित कारितासका कानूनविद् गेओर्ग आट्च्वाङ्गर।
संवैधानिक अदालतको एउटा निर्णय अनुसार यस्तो कानून परिवर्तनको खाँचो परेको थियो। विशेष गरी, ती पुराना भनिने मुद्दाहरुको देशमा बस्न पाउने अर्थमा राम्रो आशा छ, उनीहरुको शरणार्थी-आवेदन निर्णय-प्रक्रियाको हरेक तहमा अस्वीकृत भएकै अवस्थामा पनि।
पुराना आवेदन भन्नाले ती मानिसहरु हुन्, जो अप्रिल् १,२००४ र त्यो अघिदेखि अस्ट्रियामा निरन्तर रुपले त्यसै गरी गृह मंत्रालयका अनुसार "धेरैजसो कानूनी"रुपले अल्झी बसेका छन् र जसको मुद्दाको फैसला असफल भएको होस्।
मानवीय आधारमा बसाईं-भीसा दिईने निर्णायक आधारहरु बासस्थान, काम (वा शिक्षा) र जर्मन भाषाको ज्ञान हुन्। भविष्यमा एउटा सल्लाहकार समितीले, जसमा सहयोगी संस्थाहरु तथा शहर-नगरपालिकाका प्रतिनिधीहरु हुन्छन्, गृहमन्त्रीलाई सल्लाह दिने भए पनि अन्तिम निर्णय गृहमन्त्री कै हुन्छ।
चलिरहेको शरणार्थी-मुद्दाको सन्दर्भमा, ती मुद्दाहरु हालका निम्ति जाँच मात्र गरिनेछ।
गत केही वर्षदेखि अस्ट्रियामा बस्न पाउनु पर्ने अधिकारको निम्ति लडिरहेकी एक जना कोसोभो मूलकी केटी आरिगोना चोगायलाई (माथि तस्वीर) अस्ट्रियन सरकारले धेरै लामो प्रक्रिया पछि केही महिना अघि मात्र त्यस्तो अधिकार प्रदान गरेको छ। तिनै आरिगोनाको बारेमा उनैका वकील हेल्मुट ब्लूमले कूरियर दैनिकलाई बताए - "यो नयाँ बस्न पाउने अधिकारको कानूनले आरिगोनाको स्थितीमा सुधार आउनेछैन।" आरिगोना २००७ सालको शिशिर मौसममा, कोसोभोमा प्रत्यार्पण गरिने डरले लुकिन्, केही अघि मात्र उनीले शरणका निम्ती आवेदन गरिन्।यो नयाँ बसाईंको कानून एक वर्ष अघि आएको भए, पुरानो मुद्दाको हिसाबले मानवीय भिसाको निम्ती उनीको अवस्था अहिलेको भन्दा बेस हुन्थ्यो। वकिल ब्लूम तैपनि आशान्वित छन्।
(मूल आलेख: मारिया केम, जर्मन भाषाको दैनिक पत्रिका कुरियरबाट साभार)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Christmas '08 in new Office & other photos
Happy Holi / Fagu (2009)

Happy holi to everyone!!! May the colours of Holi bring you to your colourful world of dreams that you have.
God bless you all.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Ex-Chief of NCP(UML) comes to Austria
Opportunities and Threats

It is, thus, important that politicians, policy makers, scientist, development community as well as the people at large reflect and review Nepal ’s recent past and develop appropriate strategies- based on a fresh perspective and analysis. In this context, we are going to organize the interaction program entitled ‘Current Development and Political Scenario of Nepal: an Opportunities and Constraints’ on 25th November at Vienna . It is our great pleasure to have former Deputy Prime Minister & Leader of CPN (UML), Madhav Kumar Nepal, as a chief guest of the program. We would like to invite all Nepalese societies and individuals in and outside Vienna for active participation in the discussion and contribute for defining development priorities, and frame the direction and nature of political change at present development scenario of Nepal.
22 Nov- Moscow, Russia
24 Nov- Paris, France at 11:45 and Vienna, Austria at 23:15
30 Nov- On the way again to Paris, France back to Nepal
Nov, 25, Tuesday, 2008 (18:30 PM sharp time)
Dr. Shyam Upadhyaya
President, NRN Austria
Fund sent to Koshi Victims
We are pleased to inform and thank to Neplese Diaspora based in Austria and some other doners who are living in Austria for contributing fund to Koshi flood Victim in Nepal. We have transferred the amount to Prime minister Relief Fund. We declare hereby that we had collected a total of € 680.22 (the receipt of the bank transfer is scanned and pased hereon) of which € 665.22 is remitted and € 15.00 Bank charge occured.
If you would like to view the contributor lists, follow the link-
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happy Vijaya Dashami 2065

Date of Programme - 04.10.2008
Entry from - 18:00 O'clock
Cultural Dance Programme - 19:00 till 20:00 O'clock
Dance Floor for all - from 22:00 O'clock on
Place of Gathering - Kürschnergasse 9, 1210, Wien
Traffic Link - U1 Bahn, Station Großfeldsiedlung
Entry and Buffet -
For Individuals €14
Children 6-12 Years old €6 and
Married Pair €25
Monday, September 8, 2008
Support to Flood of Koshi Flood

Thousands of persons of Kusaha, Haripur, Shreepur, Loukahi, and Bhokraha Village Development Committees (VDC) of Sunsari district, Nepal have fled their homes after the swollen Sapatakoshi (Koshi) River damaged an embankment in western Kusaha immediately inundating dozens of settlements in the VDCs. Apart from these VDCs, 7 more VDCs were also partly affected. Two spurs in western Kusaha VDC started to erode on 17 August 2008 and it damaged the embankment the same night. Settlements in the eastern bank of the Saptakoshi River started to be submerged from 18 August. The floods have caused significant damage to lives, livelihoods and infrastructure. Bridges and culverts have collapsed. Drinking water and electricity supplies, schools and public buildings are destroyed and many private houses, property, domestic animals and corpses were swept away. The Ministry of Home Affairs estimates that about 20,000 families (more than 100 thousands persons) have been directly affected and displaced.
We kindly request all of Diaspora and friends of Nepal who are in Austria either permanently or temporarily, to contribute funds to support relief efforts for the flood victim, Nepal. Last year, there was a similar occurrence and the some organizations here contributed to the relief work. As in the past, all contributions can make a difference in the lives of those suffering from this natural calamity. In this regards, we all from Nepalese society, Nepal thank all who have readily responded to such calls in the past and hope you will do so again.
This is a collaborative effort on behalf of the Nepali community and friends of Nepal. We would like to assure that the collected amount will be handed over to a reliable and reputable relief agency in Nepal.
1) Mr. Prabhakar Ghale ( Cell: 06505196960), Wien
2) Mr. Som Natha Paudel ( Cell 069910966886), Wien
3) Mr. Dhruba Paudel (, Cell: 06607608013), Wien
5) Mr. Krishna Bardewa ( Cell 068110456296), Graz
6) Mr. Santosh Babu Joshi ( Cell 0699100492227)
7) Mr. Ananta Ghimire (
8) Mr. Dwarika Phuyal (Email: cell: 069911089501)
9) Mr. Chiranjeewee Khadka( Email:, cell: 069910988272)
Result : New NESAS Executive Committee

Mr. Deepak Malla
Vice President
Mr. Hari Prasad Tamang/Lama
Mr. Ramesh Dhamala
Asst. Secretary
Mr. Binod Khadka
Mr. Debaki Nandan Pandey
Asst. Treasurer
Ms. Asha Thapa
Mr. Chhabilal Sapkota
Mr. Bishwa Maharjan
Mr. Gurung Davin Lama
Mr. Tul Bahadur Bohra
Ms. Janu Singh
Mr. Netra Bahadur Khadka
Mr. Subarna Gautam
Mr. Binay Pokharel
Ms. Anju Shrestha
For more photos of the elections click on the following photo -
(Photos credit: Churchill BISTA)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Candidature of NESAS Elections

Therefore, we have decided to extend the election program till 7 Sep. 12 PM and our office will be work at general assembly hall in AAI building, Vienna in general assembly day ( 7 Sep,08).
The list of candidates is as follows -
Mr. Deepak Malla
Vice President
Mr. Hari Prasad Tamang/Lama
Mr. Rupak Shahisamuda
Mr. Indra Nidhi Lohani
Mr. Ramesh Dhamala
Asst. Secretary
Mr. Binod Khadka
Mr. Debaki Nandan Pandey
Asst. Treasurer
Ms. Asha Thapa
Mr. Chhabilal Sapkota
Mr. Bishwa Maharjan
Mr. Guring Davin Lama
Mr. Nirmal Paudel
Ms. Janu Singh
Mr. Netra Bdr Khadka
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Elections for the Executive Committee in NESAS

We discussed mostly about the quorum and new organisational structure. How should this be and what are new challanges and opportunities. Over a long discussion among the members and other new people we recognised our new course of actions. Many experienced hands and fresh faces are likely to come up in the new executive committee.
The planned schedule of election is as follows -
Norms for applying for the Candidature
* Membership should be renewed till 29 August, 08.
* There should be at least one supporter or proponent present in general assembly.
* One person can support only a single candidate.
* Candidates should fill up the form properly as per instructions of Candidature Form by theirselves.
Note: All members are eligible for the candidature and they may send the Application Form either via email or direct handover to the authorized persons.
Schedule of Election Program
Details of election program Date
Application for the candidate Till 30 August, 08
Announcement of candidacy 1 Sept
Opponents over candidacy 3 Sept
Option for withdraw candidacy 3 Sept
Final announcement of candidacy 6 Sept
Election date and Venue
Date: September 07, 2008
Time: 13:30 O'clock
Venue: AFRO Asiatisches Institut (AAI)
1090 Wien, Türkenstrasse-3
Announcement of New Executive Committee
15:30 O'clock on September 07, 2008
Technical Enhancements in the NESAS Blog
But you would wonder that the Blog Header had cost me the most time than the ClusterMaps, SiteMeter and Date-Time Display together. Becuase the gap between flags of Austria and Nepal and vertically written NESAS' logo seems to have a transparent background, but it is not really so. It has an opaque background. I copied the background from anywhere else and pasted as the background of the flags. So, now it looks as if, it has a transparent background.
SiteMeter has already started functioning, whereas ClusterMaps looks better than SiteMeter, but ClusterMaps has not started functioning. I am planning to bring down SiteMeter from the blog and set ClusterMaps as the standard Hit-Counter. The Date-Time would also change as soon as I get any other free and beautiful Display. But Blogpost accepts certain types of scripting only. So, they have to be tested before they are launched here for long time.
If anyone has some better ideas to improve the blog, I would be indebted to you and would welcome that. Thanks in advance.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Jhakri (Shaman) knocks at your door
Movie Director Amrit Lama had brought his Movie to all of us named Jhakri, a Shaman or ein Schamane in German with German Subtitles. The documentary movie was released at 15:00 on 3rd August 2008 in Cineplex Kino, Millenium City, Handelsky. I put down the whole details as described on the Ad leaflet.
A Story based on Truth
* Do you believe on Shamanism?
* Do you know how powerful a Shaman is?
* What actually is a Shaman?
* How influential and important are Shaman in Nepalese Society?
* Should we believe on their Knowledge and Power?
* What does the new generation think about Shamanism?
(Poster scanned by Mitra KHATTRI)
(Brochure provided by Dhruba POUDEL)
World Tour on two-wheels : Pushkar Shah
He started the World Tour on cycle with just a bicycle and 100 Nepali Rupees equivalent to around € 1 on 29th November 1998. He is peddling with a message of Peace and Love to the corners of the world. When he discloses about his dream to conclude the journey, his eyes brighten with joy. He says, he would like to end his journey by bringing all the flags of the countries, he has travelled to the the top of the world - to the Mount Everest (8848 meters).
For more photos, click on the following Albums
Photos taken in Cafe Restaurant Himalaya

(Photos credit Mitra KHATTRI & Baburam ARYAL)
Part 1
Part 2
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Transforming Look of NESAS-AUSTRIA's Blog

I personally like the colours of basic instinct - Black and White thereafter comes Blue. Then come all other colours according to the subject and inner sense of the matter to be designed. Like, whenever we talk about Indian Culture or Festival, the first idea that clicks is not a single colour but a blend of many different colours that reflect the colourful festivals or different culture. The same way, over a time, my first choice of Layout for the NESAS-AUSTRIA started to be overloaded with pessimism and gloominess, whereas as an organisation patroning hundreds of Nepali it should be much optimistic.
So all of sudden, I decided to change it to a little more bright, colourful and cheerful.
Technically, Blogpost looks at first site much easier than Wordpress, since most of the options are laid visible directly at the place of necessity. Blogpost accepts JavaScripts and other scripts whereas Wordpress accepts just the HTML codes. About other Widgets that are called Gadget in Blogpost, I am still learning more about the other options and new things. On the right hand side, I have pasted the older face of the blog.
I would thankfully welcome all kinds of comments passed to me.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
NESAS : Introducing Itself

The Society is now on the way to improving best-possible network among the members and well-wishers. The authentic Email address is and address for it's blog is
Statistically, it is the biggest Nepali Organisation stationed in Austria covering a total of 300 members under it's umbrella. Whereas the whole number of the Nepalese in Austria is estimated to be around 500.
NESAS organises and holds mainly cultural Festivals, Folk Dance, Modern Dance from Nepali Soil. Despite problems regarding time schedules and the functionality, the organisation has succeeded to hold many very big Get-togethers, accompanied by great feasts.
Prabhakar Ghale presides the organisation and Deepak Malla, Dhruva Poudel, Somnath Poudel, Bhuwan are some of the most active members of the organisation.
We will write more about the organisation, its activities in the days to come.